Hey there. My name is Wayne, aka Astral Ape.
I’m from the UK but I have been living in Cambodia since 2017 as an ESL teacher (English Teacher).
I built this website to express my, what some may call, ramblings, related to some of the big questions of life, the universe and everything.
Whilst I don’t consider myself as religious, and often come at the things I write about from a scientific or philosophical aspect, there are spiritual factors to some of my thoughts and opinions. I try to keep an open mind to my topics as much as I can.
I also don’t approach what I talk about from any qualification. The only thing that qualifies me to talk about the things I do is that I am a living, conscious, intelligent human being who, consequentially, spends much of my time pondering some of the many questions, be they scientific, philosophical, or spiritual, that have yet to be answered. And quite possibly will never be answered.
Finally, I realise that many people these days often use AI to write their blog posts for them, either directly or indirectly, but I can assure my readers that I do not use AI in any way whatsoever, other than to proofread, and can guarantee that my words are 100% my own.
Thanks for checking my website out, please also check out my socials, and feel free to get in touch using the contact form.
I plan to begin a newsletter once there is enough interest shown, so please show your interest by sending me a message via the contact form.